Truth! - part 8
You do not cross "T"s. You cross lower case "L"s and transform them into "T"s.
Supposedly most men prefer big boobs to small boobs. I think this is actually a misinterpretation. I think most men simply prefer near boobs to far boobs. The closer the boob, the better we like it. If two women are standing next to one another, the bigger boobs are closer. Think about it.
There is a small thing that Americans could do to help smooth relations with both Iraq and Iran, and really everyone else to a lesser degree. It won't end the war in Iraq or prevent it with Iran, but it might contribute to countering the US's image as ignorant and arrogant. Pronounce their names correctly. It's not "eye-rack" and "eye-ran". It's "i-rock" and "i-ron" (Actually it's a tapped "R" but some people just can't do that, so we can let that slide.). How would you feel if Iraqis kept calling us "Ay-meeric-ay"? You'd think they were ignorant and arrogant and you'd be right. Granted they tap the "R" in "America" but then so does the governor of "Cahleefohnia".
A poetical yet sexist notion: A great many women never learn the value of silence. Some men don't either but the misunderstanding seems more pronounced on the female side. This is somewhat ironic since the act of quieting someone with "Shhhhh" is immitating the sound of a mother's heartbeat heard from the womb.
A famous person's public persona tends to eclypse his or her real persona. If someone is a tough guy, I would imagine most people assume that their whole life is tough. Or if someone is pretty, you would think their whole life is pretty. Obviously this can't be true. There are completely banal parts to the most exotic people's lives, just like the rest of us. In a nutshell, what I'm leading up to here is that Jimi Hendrix probably owned a red and white checkered dishtowel. No paisley. No screaming guitar riffs when he used it. Just a plain old dishtowel. I find that interesting.
There is a secret compliment that you can pay to your lover that no one knows about but you. Even your lover won't know. It's a compliment that your subconscious pays them, with or without the permission of your conscious mind. It's when a song that was previously associated in your mind with a former love is reassociate it with your current love.