Truth! - Part 12
The following statements are still true despite their delay in reaching you:.
It occurs to me that irritating morning people have a distinct survival advantage over the rest of us up to a certain critical point when it becomes a detriment. The early bird does get the worm and therefore will go on to breed more, but eventually the early worm stealers get pecked to death by the hungry late risers. No point here. Just a random brain dropping.
Along similar lines, early to bed and early to rise can contribute to you being healthy, wealthy and wise. It can also leave you perilously unprepared for ninja attack as your night vision will be sorely underdeveloped. Just sayin'.
There are two classes of people that need to be whacked on the nose with a newspaper and told in a firm voice "NO":
1) The people that have a distinctive hat that they wear in an office setting to signify that they are interesting, in lieu of actual interesting qualities. Case in point: the lady with the Cheshire Cat visor.
2) The people who, in an office setting, will constantly remind you about how wacky/crazy/messed up they are. They won't act wacky; they'll just say they're wacky. "Oh I am just wrong.". They never actually are.
I spent the last eight years reading the news like a person who's afraid of flying stares at the wing: "Can't look away. Something bad might happen." Now that we have a new administration of people I generally agree with, I'm finding it hard to focus on the news. I know we need to pay attention and make sure campaign promises are kept, but my political attention is fucking exhausted. I'll keep trying, but man....
"That's just how I was raised." is not a reasonable excuse for unsupportable beliefs or behaviours. I was raised to boil the shit out of rice and pour a ton of soy sauce on it to make it edible. I grew up. I learned a better way. The societal disparagement of bigotry should be more severe than it is. In the West, we all have access to the same media now. We all have exposure to enough information to stop that shit permanently. What stops us from doing so, is what psychologists would call "enabling". "It's generational" should not be offered to excuse prejudice anymore. Homophobic? Racist? Sexist? Ethnocentrist? Anti-science? Sorry, you're a bad person. That's all there is to it.
People complain about headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, and backaches. Considering, though, that the average head weighs about 30 pounds and we have to balance it on what is basically a narrow stack of lincoln logs tied together with meat, it's a wonder we can keep it upright at all. It's actually surprising it doesn't hurt more.
'Rock Band' is just a variation of 'Guitar hero' which is just a variation of 'Dance Dance Revolution' which is just a variation of 'Simon' which is just a variation of 'Simon Says' which is game used to teach children to follow orders. Still feel like a rockstar?
This is a topic I've covered before, but as fall approaches I think it needs a reheat. Have you noticed that in the movie 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' that none of the citizens of Halloween Town are Princesses, Sexy Nurses, Sexy Pirates, or anything else either cute or slutty? Is this an oversight on the part of Tim Burton? No, this is because Halloween is about fear and horror and death, not cuteness or sexiness (which are really just child and adult versions of the same thing).
Some people leaving the gym smile and are friendly. They could not possibly be experiencing what I experience when I exercise. Even at times when I have been in great shape, exercise always elicited an emotion in me best described as utter, abject despair. Some people, through no fault of their own (I'm glaring at you, judgemental, high-energy people), are just not wired in a way that allows them to get that endorphin bump. But I exercise anyway. I feel despair while you lot get high, and you think I'm lazy for not exercising more. Fuck off.
Afterthought: I used to think that fertility clinics were terrible. There are already too many people so if you can't have a baby just get over it. That was my thought anyway. However, I just realized, although it's counterintuitive, fertility clinics would in the long run have a net negative affect on population growth. If those who have difficulty conceiving conceive, then some will pass on that difficulty to the next generation and it will continue to be passed on and in the long run help reduce the population. The people that want to breed get babies, and the crowded people in the future get less babies. It's a win/win.
On the other hand, Lasik surgery and plastic surgery will eventually turn the species blind and ugly by making poor vision and lack of attractive features no longer evolutionary disadvantages.
It occurs to me that irritating morning people have a distinct survival advantage over the rest of us up to a certain critical point when it becomes a detriment. The early bird does get the worm and therefore will go on to breed more, but eventually the early worm stealers get pecked to death by the hungry late risers. No point here. Just a random brain dropping.
Along similar lines, early to bed and early to rise can contribute to you being healthy, wealthy and wise. It can also leave you perilously unprepared for ninja attack as your night vision will be sorely underdeveloped. Just sayin'.
There are two classes of people that need to be whacked on the nose with a newspaper and told in a firm voice "NO":
1) The people that have a distinctive hat that they wear in an office setting to signify that they are interesting, in lieu of actual interesting qualities. Case in point: the lady with the Cheshire Cat visor.
2) The people who, in an office setting, will constantly remind you about how wacky/crazy/messed up they are. They won't act wacky; they'll just say they're wacky. "Oh I am just wrong.". They never actually are.
I spent the last eight years reading the news like a person who's afraid of flying stares at the wing: "Can't look away. Something bad might happen." Now that we have a new administration of people I generally agree with, I'm finding it hard to focus on the news. I know we need to pay attention and make sure campaign promises are kept, but my political attention is fucking exhausted. I'll keep trying, but man....
"That's just how I was raised." is not a reasonable excuse for unsupportable beliefs or behaviours. I was raised to boil the shit out of rice and pour a ton of soy sauce on it to make it edible. I grew up. I learned a better way. The societal disparagement of bigotry should be more severe than it is. In the West, we all have access to the same media now. We all have exposure to enough information to stop that shit permanently. What stops us from doing so, is what psychologists would call "enabling". "It's generational" should not be offered to excuse prejudice anymore. Homophobic? Racist? Sexist? Ethnocentrist? Anti-science? Sorry, you're a bad person. That's all there is to it.
People complain about headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, and backaches. Considering, though, that the average head weighs about 30 pounds and we have to balance it on what is basically a narrow stack of lincoln logs tied together with meat, it's a wonder we can keep it upright at all. It's actually surprising it doesn't hurt more.
'Rock Band' is just a variation of 'Guitar hero' which is just a variation of 'Dance Dance Revolution' which is just a variation of 'Simon' which is just a variation of 'Simon Says' which is game used to teach children to follow orders. Still feel like a rockstar?
This is a topic I've covered before, but as fall approaches I think it needs a reheat. Have you noticed that in the movie 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' that none of the citizens of Halloween Town are Princesses, Sexy Nurses, Sexy Pirates, or anything else either cute or slutty? Is this an oversight on the part of Tim Burton? No, this is because Halloween is about fear and horror and death, not cuteness or sexiness (which are really just child and adult versions of the same thing).
Some people leaving the gym smile and are friendly. They could not possibly be experiencing what I experience when I exercise. Even at times when I have been in great shape, exercise always elicited an emotion in me best described as utter, abject despair. Some people, through no fault of their own (I'm glaring at you, judgemental, high-energy people), are just not wired in a way that allows them to get that endorphin bump. But I exercise anyway. I feel despair while you lot get high, and you think I'm lazy for not exercising more. Fuck off.
Afterthought: I used to think that fertility clinics were terrible. There are already too many people so if you can't have a baby just get over it. That was my thought anyway. However, I just realized, although it's counterintuitive, fertility clinics would in the long run have a net negative affect on population growth. If those who have difficulty conceiving conceive, then some will pass on that difficulty to the next generation and it will continue to be passed on and in the long run help reduce the population. The people that want to breed get babies, and the crowded people in the future get less babies. It's a win/win.
On the other hand, Lasik surgery and plastic surgery will eventually turn the species blind and ugly by making poor vision and lack of attractive features no longer evolutionary disadvantages.