Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Truth! - part 11

If it were the late 80's or early 90s, the following statement might make someone say "Word!" and then give me five:

The best reason to believe in Sasquatch? It doesn't cost you anything. Unless you are a Zoologist or are spending money to go on a Sasquatch expedition, it has no effect on your life at all. Personally I think it would be much cooler to be in a world where there are giant bipedal apes running around than being in a world sans giant bipedal apes, and since I'll never know the answer, never search for the answer, and if the answer shows up it won't change my life in the slightest, call me a Sasquatch believer. If it starts costing money, I may reevaluate that stance.

This may be weird coming from a Beatles fan, but I think Yoko Ono is pretty cool.

Nothing that I have voted for that's passed, including candidates, has ever turned out badly. All the stuff that's turned out badly was stuff I didn't vote for. Maybe I know more about politics than I thought. Maybe instead of voting, y'all should just ask me.

When you know someone who is severely retarded for many years, it's hard to get a sense of how old they are. My cousin Kelli just died. She had Down's syndrome and was mentally about 2 or 3, and I have no idea how old she actually was. My best guess is slightly older than me, because I don't ever remember her being child sized. But then I don't remember her prior to 1980 or so either. Maybe she was younger than me and I just didn't meet her until she was adult sized. It's pretty weird to think about.

Unless you've been living in a cave, you've heard the rumor that Muslim believe that they will be greeted in heaven by 72 virgins as a reward for a suicide bombing. First off, they don't actually believe that. It's a lie fed to you to make your enemy seem subhuman and carnal so that you can be more easily steered around by fear. Read this. Second, regardless of whether it's supported by the Koran and the Hadiths or not, it's a dumb idea. As anachronistic as the beliefs of fundamentalist Islam may seem to someone who believes a real scientific belief like Christianity (sarcasm), they're not stupid. Anybody who has had sex with both virgins and non-virgins can tell you...virgins are lousy lays. Imagine eternity (not just a long time, ETERNITY) having awkward, clumsy, embarrassed sex with 72 giggling, naive, prisses (imagine Mormons) that, no matter how much experience they get, they never seem to get any more skillful. That would be hell, not heaven. Maybe that's the point, because the Koran and the Hadiths both agree: suicide is terrible and it makes Allah mad. (Wow, consistency in religion. Who'da thunk it?)

George Carlin is starting to look like my late grandma.

No matter how you slice it, UFOs are interesting. It's nonsensical to say you don't believe in them (unless you genuinely believe that no one has ever looked up and seen something they couldn't recognize), so the real point of contention is just what they really are. Alien space craft? Interesting. Classified military gizmos? Interesting. A huge hoax involving millions of people all over the world? Wow, that's unbelievably interesting. Delusions and hallucinations of millions of people all over the world? Holy crap, that's interesting! In light of all this, the alien spacecraft explanation is the LEAST interesting possibility. I defy you to find an explanation for UFOs that isn't in the slightest bit interesting. To claim otherwise...well, you're just in denial.