My Wise Friends
Usually, I run off at the mouth (or the keyboard really) about what I think is important or wise or relevant, but this time I thought it would be nice to try to recall wisdom from other people; not quotes from Mark Twain or the Dalai Lama but people I've actually met. Here then are some wise, funny, or just plain interesting thoughts paraphrased (liberally of course--what am I, a tape recorder?) from friends, family, acquaintances, and people just nearby:
You can look ahead the future and imagine what it's going to be like but no matter how close you get, it's never what you thought it was. It turns out to be something you never even imagined.
Everyone looks good naked. Clothing binds people and when you let that release and stop binding, the natural beauty shines through.
Comedians are just drunks, but legitimate drunks.
(In response to my concerns that I would never find love again) Yeah, you might not.
It'll be great.
The purpose of celebrating a birthday is to let that person know that you were glad they were born. That's a more profound statement that it might seem. "I'm glad you're alive."
-Some priest
(an artist's strategy) Steal, revise, disguise.
The appropriate mood at all times for an artist is that of dissatisfaction. That's where the work comes from.
Don't eat margarine or artificial sweeteners. Food that's pretending to be other food is bad for the soul.
If it hurts, just keep doing it. It'll eventually stop hurting. That's one way anyway.
Nobody cares what your internal feelings are. What are you DOING?
-Some acting teacher
The term "politically correct" was not invented by the politically correct. It was invented by people that didn't want to alter they're behavior and be decent towards one another, so they invented this absurd exaggeration. Then they subsequently added more and more rules to make it seem more absurd. Somebody says "I don't like it when you call me nigger." and the person that said it immediately whines that they're being too "PC" and blows it out of proportion and plays the martyr, when all they really had to do was say "Sorry, I didn't know. I'll stop."
Don't go home with Comet (Tavern) trash. (To which I said "But, I'm at the Comet. Doesn't that make me Comet trash?") Yep, sorry.
If God is omnipotent, then anything that happens he either caused or allowed to happen.
-Mr. Toner (religion teacher accidentally implying that God either is a prick or doesn't exist)
John, you're brilliant.
-Sarah (heh heh, had to put that one in)
You can look ahead the future and imagine what it's going to be like but no matter how close you get, it's never what you thought it was. It turns out to be something you never even imagined.
Everyone looks good naked. Clothing binds people and when you let that release and stop binding, the natural beauty shines through.
Comedians are just drunks, but legitimate drunks.
(In response to my concerns that I would never find love again) Yeah, you might not.
It'll be great.
The purpose of celebrating a birthday is to let that person know that you were glad they were born. That's a more profound statement that it might seem. "I'm glad you're alive."
-Some priest
(an artist's strategy) Steal, revise, disguise.
The appropriate mood at all times for an artist is that of dissatisfaction. That's where the work comes from.
Don't eat margarine or artificial sweeteners. Food that's pretending to be other food is bad for the soul.
If it hurts, just keep doing it. It'll eventually stop hurting. That's one way anyway.
Nobody cares what your internal feelings are. What are you DOING?
-Some acting teacher
The term "politically correct" was not invented by the politically correct. It was invented by people that didn't want to alter they're behavior and be decent towards one another, so they invented this absurd exaggeration. Then they subsequently added more and more rules to make it seem more absurd. Somebody says "I don't like it when you call me nigger." and the person that said it immediately whines that they're being too "PC" and blows it out of proportion and plays the martyr, when all they really had to do was say "Sorry, I didn't know. I'll stop."
Don't go home with Comet (Tavern) trash. (To which I said "But, I'm at the Comet. Doesn't that make me Comet trash?") Yep, sorry.
If God is omnipotent, then anything that happens he either caused or allowed to happen.
-Mr. Toner (religion teacher accidentally implying that God either is a prick or doesn't exist)
John, you're brilliant.
-Sarah (heh heh, had to put that one in)