Monday, June 12, 2006

Truth! - Part 2

The following statements are true:

There is only one reason why you should care about someone else's sexual orientation, and that is that you, yourself, want to have sex with them (or, if you are a helpful yenta-type, and you want to set up your friend with them). Otherwise, it doesn't affect you at all, and your interest in the subject is somewhat suspect.

Those who can't do, teach. Those who lack the knowledge and intelligence to teach, often write theatrical reviews in their town's alternative newspaper.

If you are allergic to a food, you should not be allowed to say "Ewww" when you see or smell it. You are genetically predisposed to not like it, so your "Ewww" has no objective truth in it.

Similarly, if you never liked meat in the first place, you don't get to call yourself a vegetarian. You're just a person who doesn't like meat. I don't like mushrooms, but you don't see me smugly labeling myself because I refuse to eat them. "Vegetarian" should be reserved for people that like meat and have actually accomplished something by giving it up.

People that are offended at the possibility that we evolved from apes, clearly need to spend more time with apes. Monkeys throw poo. Humans invented the flamethrower, napalm, fragmentation mines, mustard gas, and testicle clamps for car batteries. Seems that the apes should be offended, not us.

I'm supposed to have above average intelligence, but most of the time, I feel really confused. I hate to think how everybody else feels.

If you shut off your inner dialogue, that is to say prevent your mind from formulating words, for more than a minute or so, the world melts and begins to vanish. No joke. You should try it.

Some of my favorite people are sluts. In fact, I've met many "decent" (non-slutty) people who, if you were to scratched their surface, you'd discover they lacked basic compassion and humanity. I've never met a slut like that. I've met a few thoughtless sluts, but none that I could call heartless. Perhaps there's something inherently healthy about touching people and viewing them as playmates instead of possessions.

The overwhelming majority of the country hates the president now and disapproves of the Republican party. That is somewhat gratifying, but only somewhat. Mid-term elections are coming up and it should be a Democratic sweep. Yippee. I feel like Ripley at the end of any of the Alien movies; the monsters are stopped, but the whole cast is dead because no one listened to her. Not to be a sore loser, and dig up dead issues, but those of us who have always disapproved of the president and his party of criminals, told you this would happen six years ago. We told you from day one of his campaign that he was a stupid, greedy, lying, incompetent, war-mongering, privileged, frat boy who has no more understanding of life than Paris Hilton. We told you. And now thousands are dead in the middle east, the economy is in ruins, any trust we had garnered around the world has vanished, all the strides made in air and water quality during the 90's are shot to shit, and gas prices are artificially raised to absurd heights, all because you were too stupid to listen to us. Now you finally disapprove of the president. Fuck you guys.


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